I desperately need to work on my classroom management concerning the student's behavior. Detention and ISS does not seem to phase their conscious. Parent/teacher conferences either by email, phone, and /or face to face seem to work the best.
Moreover, I was so deeply concerned about my shortcomings in this area, I decided to research the matter. I learned I should utilize positive reinforcement rather than battling bad behavior. For example, planned ignoring, which consists of ignoring inappropriate behaviors that I fail to use enough and consistently. This approach will hopefully extinguish this particular attempt for attention. I also like the idea of and need to recognize positive behavior to demontrate to the students who act out that attention should be positive. By praising positive behavior, students will desire the same teacher responsive praise and thereby continue wanted behavior.
When completing unwanted assignments is a problem, teachers may use the "Premack's Principle", where students may do something they like if they complete a less popular task first.
Another positive reinforcer include circulating throughout the room and placing oneself within close proximity to the problem children. A simple tap on the shoulder, desk, or book often is enough to refocus studnets.
It is essential to explicitly address the behavior and then provide a counter example. By performing in this manner, the argument fails to become personal between student and teacher. Personal conflict is important to avoid for future workings and social relationships.
Eventhough I went to the basketball games last night, I need to improve upon taking a more peronal interest in the student's lives. Of utmost importance, it is essential teachers empathize with students. Furthermore, student/teacher rapport may be improved by greeting students at the door (eventhough I want to prepare for the following period), calling them by name, and displaying kindness.

As one may conceive, I have a huge job ahead of me but intend to try these methods. I've got too. I'm at my wits end during certain periods.
More Later-
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